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Alina Shafikova
Written by Alina Shafikova

Implementing marketing tags with

Integrating with other web services such as Google Analytics or Facebook Ads

Why implement tags via

Let's say you want to add someone who is from New York and who is in your CRM on the first stage of the pipeline and who hasn't replied to any of your last four emails regarding a specific remarketing campaign.

Usually, you would need to connect your remarketing ad network to the using an API and then synchronize them together - that would be a lot of work.

However, there is a quick and clever way for how you can do this. This article will show you how.

How do tags work?

Let's use Facebook Retargeting Ads as an example. You can include users in a retargeting campaign based on different factors such as conversions.

To send data about the conversion to Facebook, you need to activate a snippet inside user browser:

fbq('track', 'Lead');

Let's say you want to trigger this snippet when someone downloads your ebook, then just paste the script in the right place on your website. 

But what if you want to activate this snippet only for users who are in the CRM on the first stage of the pipeline and who haven't replied to any of your last four emails? you can do this by using an automation module Send code!

How to set up the Send code module.

  1. Go to automation section and create new automation.
  2. Select a trigger, for example, Page visit. Connect the trigger to the action module Send code.
  3. Open "module configuration" and check the checkbox "Append to HTML".

Everything that you paste inside this module will be added to the end of the body element of your page on which the module is activated.

However, this will be added after the page is evaluated. So if we simply paste a JS script such as:

fbq('track', 'Lead'

they will not be triggered.

However, there is a way to solve this puzzle; this script:

<img src="" onload="<<PASTE YOUR SNIPPET HERE>>">

For example, you might use:

<img src="" onload="fbq('track', 'Lead')">

Here is why it works:

This script loads an one-pixel image at the end of the <body> element of your page. When the pixel loads, it automatically triggers the Facebook tag.

Keep in mind that for this to work, you need to have a basic Facebook pixel already implemented on your website.

What other services can you connect?

  • Adwords - for remarketing
  • Google Analytics - for event tracking
  • Twitter and LinkedIn - for remarketing 
  • Survicate - for sending additional user data from to Survicate upon pagevisit

And practically any other of the over 700 services that are available at Zapier or any other similar service.

How to integrate with Google Tag Manager

Many companies include snippets using GTM. The only problem with that service is that it doesn't hold user data for more than a pageview. However, using the method introduced above, you can send data to GTM.

<img src="" onload="dataLayer.push( 'email': {{ }} )">
  • where is surrounded by double curly brackets (as all user attributes)

In order to receive this value, you first need to create a custom Data Layer Attribute in GTM called "email".
