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Alex Nowak
Written by Alex Nowak

How to filter CRM Deals and Activities

Keep everything organised and clear, especially your key deals and tasks.

Why use filtering

When your business is booming and dozens of leads are flowing into your system each day, it's easy to lose track of your deals. That's why you should use the filtering option to sort out your activities and deals. How?

Go to the relevant for you section in the CRM module and use the drop-down lists on the top bar. 


You can filter your deals by their:

  • Lead Owner
  • Pipeline Stage
  • Status: Won / Lost / In progress
  • Nurturing status: Overdue, Recently finished, Planned, No scheduled (It notifies you if you keep up with the scheduled nurturing process.)


You can filter your activities by

  • The agent assigned
  • The scheduled time of the activity
  • Execution status
  • Type of activity

