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Maciej Rzadkowski
Written by Maciej Rzadkowski

WooCommerce integration

How to integrate with your WooCommerce shop in under 7 minutes

Before you start

You need:

  1. A Google Tag Manager account (You don't have to implement it yet.) Register here.
  2. application
  3. Access to your WooCommerce backend

Step 1. Import our integration GTM container.

  1. Open your GTM.
  2. Create a new container.
  3. Click here to download our GTM integration container
  4. Click Admin -> Import Container
  5. As the destination of the file, in Choose workspace, select Existing and choose the option MERGE. Only if your container was so far empty you can click OVERWRITE.
  6. Click Choose container file and select the newly downloaded container file.
  7. Confirm the operation.

Step 2. Set up your app code inside Implementation Tag.

  1. Go to your app, Settings > Setup & integrations. Your app ID is the six characters code provided over there.
  2. Open the section Tags of GTM. Open UE - implementation tag and paste the app ID in the ApiKey filed in the code.
  3. In this tag, look for app.userengage line and change it to <your_app_name> where yourappname is the name of your application in small caps.

Step 3. Install the plugin Google Tag Manager for Wordpress.

  1. Install this plugin on your WooCommerce page
  2. Go to settings and:
  3. Setup the plugin to implement GTM, (alternatively, you can implement GTM yourself) and paste your GTM container ID in the right field of the settings tab.
  4. Go to Basic Data -> Visitors and select the checkboxes as on the screenshot below:
  5. Go to Integration -> WooCommerce and select the checkboxes as on the screenshot below and save all the change
  6. Activate the plugin.

Step 4. Create User Attributes in

  1. Go to Settings -> Main settings -> User data & events -> Client attributes.
  2. Click the button Add Sample Attributes.
  3. Choose WooCommerce Enhanced Ecommerce and save.
  4. It's ready!

What does this integration do?

  1. Performs basic implementation: user tracking, collecting data, chat widget and general connection between the system and the website visitor
  2. Registers the following Product events:
  3. Add (product was added to the cart)
  4. Order (product was purchased)
  5. Remove (from cart)
  6. Click (product click)
  7. Checkout
  8. Registers the following user data:
  9. Username
  10. User id (for identifying logged-in users)
  11. All shipping data
  12. All billing data